1.So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?
2.Yet auditors had to pass judgment on some of the practices that caused the big losses that led to government bailouts.
3.Unless we become aware of what they accomplish, and pass judgment upon the worth of the result, we do not control them.
4.When calculating GDP, the national income accountants do not pass judgment on the social utility of government spending.
5.Harry, rotting beside his tent, takes full advantage of the place and situation to review his own life and pass judgment on himself.
6.In a company there may be some sense in getting underlings to pass judgment on superiors, although most such schemes are badly designed.
7.From these beginnings, the idea developed that ordinary citizens, sitting as a "jury" , be called to pass judgment on their peers.
8.Leave aside whether the US government, majority owner of General Motors, is fit to pass judgment on Toyota.
9.Aziz says he will not pass judgment on his former boss, Saddam, until the day when his freedom comes.
10.Robin asked incredulously. " Without defence or question you pass judgment and sentence? "